οικονομικη και πολιτικη περιβαλλοντος
Ταυτότητα Μαθήματος


Course title: “Natural Resources and Sustainable Development Economics

Kostas Bithas, Professor


Course Description:

The course aims at students’ specialization in the critical issues of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Economics. Furthermore, the course encourages the writing projects for the participant students. The course is structured as:

·         Pricing and costing  of Natural Resources

·         The optimal allocation and utilization of renewable and non-renewable resources.

·         Economic principles of the sustainable management of  Water resources

·         Sustainable development

·         Urban sustainability

·         Coast systems sustainability

·         Climate change economic evaluation

·         The aggregate scarcity of natural resources

·         Steady state economics

·         Decoupling of economic growth from natural resources and the dependency of economic process on natural resources inputs




- H. Daly, “Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development”, Edward Elgar Edition

- K. Bithas, P. Kalimeris, “Revisiting the Energy-Development Link. Evidence from the 20th Century for Knowledge-based and Developing Economies”. Springer.




Writing a project and oral examination as well is required




Κωδικός μαθήματος: TMA241

Κώστας Μπίθας

Τμήμα: Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών

Τύπος: Μεταπτυχιακό

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